
Hello! Thanks for choosing LocalPinion. Below we will show you how you can use our service and create surveys for engagement of your users.

Our service is suitable for different stages of your campaign - it all depends on your tasks. You can use it with your team to map important information, you can collect pinions of your users to make more informed decisions regarding your campaign, you can engage people in a transparent dialogue to start an open discussion - and so much more!

Below you will find the manual on how to set up your LocalPinion project
Signing up
  1. Go to to get in the Demo Version. If you've already done that, you are inside the LocalPinion platform.
  2. Press Sign In on the top of the page.
  3. Choose Sign Up.
  4. Fill in the form and press Sign Up.
  1. Log in, by clicking on Log In on top of the page.

2. After you logged in, you are in the Panel, where you can see all the Projects (created by you - those are the surveys) and Profile - there you can manage the settings. Also, on the right top there is a button +New Project to create another survey.

Right until you create a project, your working area page is going to be empty.

As soon as you create a survey, it will appear on the list.

3. In your Profile Settings you can change the profile picture or your name.

4. After creating projects, all of them will be displayed in the List of projects when you click on the Projects tab on the Panel. Each project has a name and a badge Published/Draft/Completed (if the survey is stopped), as well as Edit and Statistics buttons. Clicking on the Project itself will take you to its published page. It is in this form that it is available to respondents.

Creating a new project

1. Press the button +New Project on the top right corner of the List of projects page.

2. In the pop-up window choose Project type.

Different types of projects
Initiative budgeting
Advanced survey (similar to Google Form + our map and landing page)
A simple question with the choice of the Map and Route category
Questions with a text answer
Multiple choice question
One choice question
Separate page for every Idea

3.Press Next and type in Project name

4. Press Next and set the Project map. You can choose to have a map (then your project will have an interactive map) or turn it off (then your project will have idea walls - pages for collecting ideas and voting without a map).

  • Set up Zoom of the map using + and - buttons, or by inserting a number to the right of the map.
  • Set the center of the map using the Geolocation button on it.
  • Set up the background of the map by choosing if needed Satellite by pressing the button Satellite on the Panel to the right of the map.
  • Set the survey border by clicking the Draw button on the Panel to the right of the map. Or upload a file .geojson Polygon type using the Upload button.
  • You can upload your Layers (in .geojson format) if you need some additional lines, polygons or points for your project. Press Add under Layers and upload your Layers.
  • You can upload your Layouts (in .jpeg format) if you need to attach a masterplan of the territory onto the map. Press Add under Layouts, upload your picture and set coordinates for it (you can look them up on Google map), be precise to have 3 or 4 numbers after the " , ".

You can read more about Layers and Layouts in the special section in this instruction.

To draw a border, click Draw, put the desired points on the map, right-click to complete. The border will remain. To delete it, click on the Delete button on the Panel to the right of the map
5. Click Next and select Icons for the Marks and Routes that your respondents will mark. You can choose from our list, change their names and pictures or add completely new Marks and Routes. Don't forget to press Save.

6.Press Create on the bottom of the window.


Now it's time to continue it in the editor, add a description, photos, contacts, documents, logo.
1. Your created project is now on the List of projects in the main working field of your Profile. Click on the Edit button under your project and go to the Editor.

2. At the top of the Editor there are Edit buttons (to continue Editing), Preview (you can see what the published project looks like), Save (save edited), Publish (publish the project), Delete (delete the project).

3. Scroll the slider on the right in the browser and you will see blocks that can be edited. You can add or remove any of them later. To add - you need to click on + on the blocks to remove an X.

  • Logo - upload your logo by pressing - Logo. The best format for that - 100px, png
  • Layer - the background behind the project gallery, best format -1440×600 px, jpeg. To upload, press + Photo
  • Project gallery - better if the photo will be no more than 6.5MB and 3000×2000 resolution, format jpeg. In order to upload pictures faster, do not use high-resolution pics. The maximum amount of pictures you can upload is 10. The first picture will be the cover of your project. To upload pictures, press + Photo
  • Project name - put it in the blank space above the main description body.
  • Project description - may be placed above or below the map. The text can be edited.
  • Map - you can set up the center of the map, the borders of the survey, the scale of the map, and also use the satellite projections.
  • Contact Info - press the Add Company button - there you can put the Company name, address, e-mail, phone number and social media links. You may also mention the Personal Contact - first and last name, job position, social media link. If several people needed to be added, just press the Add button.

  • Documents - you can upload documents in .word, .pdf or .jpeg format. To do this, simply press the Add button.

4. If you are done editing the project - press Save and return to all projects or publish the project by pressing Publish. You can always come back to Editing.

This is how your page might look after editing:

And this is how the standard question form might look like. With the possibility to add description and photo.

  1. For every project you can get basic Statistics. You can reach it by clicking the Statistics button under the projects.

2. In Statistic you will find a Report (with gender and age diagrams, marks category diagram, data from all the days of the survey and buttons to download database in .xlsx and .geojson formats) and Analysis (with cross-analysis, filter and list of the most popular words in your respondents ideas).

In Analysis you can make a cross-analysis by choosing two types of data for analysis. For example "Female" and "Categories".

Then you can see which Categories did the Female respondents (only people who have mentioned their gender in registration form) choose for their Ideas.

This information is also filtered down below and you can see this exact Ideas in the list of Ideas...

as well as on the map.

Also you can use a Search tool as a filter to find the Ideas with a specific word or words.

Another useful thing is a Word cloud with the most popular words used in respondents Ideas.

If you need a detailed analytics album containing an analysis of all responses, you can purchase it separately. Let us know and we will send you the details.

Other types of pages:
Participative budgeting pages
Participative budgeting type of page gives you an opportunity to have a separate page for every Idea that was left by respondents.

Respondents can press the Go button on the Idea bubble and visit its page. Here you can find more info about the Idea - pictures, author, how long ago it was left.

On the Idea page other citizens can leave their arguments For or Against the Idea. Argumentation should be based on facts. Suitable: "It is prohibited by law to plant trees over the heat pipeline". It won't work: "I'm just against". Maximum number of characters: 200

Administrators can change status of the Idea.

Extended survey pages
Extended survey type of page gives you an opportunity to create different types of questions: One answer, Multiple answer, Text answer, Marker answer (for putting pins on the map). You can find the Survey section in the Editor of your page.

In the Survey section you can press Create a survey button and create your Survey.

You can give your Survey a Name and Description.

You can press + Add a question and add different types of questions: One answer, Multiple answer, Text answer, Marker answer (for putting pins on the map). You can add options for answers for each of them by pressing + Add answer. Also you can press Show answers on the right of the questions to make the respondents' answers for this questions visible for other respondents and for discussion on the site. Example: Answers to the question "Please, show on the map where would you like to have a new park?" might be useful for discussion with other citizens and you can make them visible, while answers to the question "Please, show on the map the area where do you live?" are personal and should be saved only to the data base for your analysis.

Don't forget to save your Survey after creation by pressing Save under the Survey. Also don't forget to save the whole project by pressing Save at the top of the page.

One answer questions let you create questions in which respondents can choose only one answer. This is ideal for Yes/No questions or for example for questions about age, gender, income, education, etc. - for personal information needed for your analysis.

Multiple answer questions let you create questions in which respondents can choose several answers. Also respondents can add text comments to their answers.

Text answer questions let you create questions in which respondents can leave long text comments. This questions might be useful when you need just a long description of one idea or problem or situation.

Mark answer questions let you create questions in which respondents can leave Marks on the map and add comments to them.

You can choose the answer options for each answer from the list which contains Mark categories.

You have chosen this categories in the beginning in the Stepper while creating the project or added them in the Editor (you can do that any time).

On the published page the respondents can choose from the list of your questions.

The first question form might contain some personal questions (Name, e-mail, Age, Gender) if the respondent haven't logged in yet.

Here is how One answer questions form might look like.

Here is how Multiple answer questions form might look like.

Here is how Text answer questions form might look like.

Here is how Mark answer questions form might look like.

Layers can be useful for showing specific objects on the map (for example trees or historical buildings or signs) or specific lines (electricity lanes, etc.) or zones (some historical center zones, etc.). You can upload geospatial Layers in your project in the Stepper (when creating the project) or in the Editor. Just click on Layers button on the right of the map.

Your Layer will appear on the map. Now you can press Create to save it.

You can delete it any time. You can upload more Layers.

You can choose which Layer should be visible for you respondents on the final map. You can hide other Layers if you need it for the current stage of your project. Don't forget to press Save to save the updates.

Your respondents can turn Layers on or off using the Layers tab on the map .

You can use Layouts to add masterplan or some territory design sketch onto your map for your respondents to see this info or even to leave their comments on it.

You should give your Layout a name, upload an image and fill in your image coordinates - Longitude and Latitude for all 4 corners. You can look up coordinates for example on Google map by clicking on the points you need. When filling in the coordinates in LocalPinion use 3-4 digits after coma for better result.

After filing in all the information and uploading the image press Create. Now your Layout is added to the map.

You can choose if this Layout should be visible on the published page on the current stage of the project. You can add more Layouts.

The respondents can turn Layouts on and off through the Layout tab on the map.

The respondents can add their comments right onto the Layouts.

Mark and Route creating manual
(This is an instruction for your respondents. It is also in a pop-up near Mark and Route buttons on a published page.)

Leave your suggestion in just a few steps:
1)Sign in via e-mail or other suggested methods.

2) Press the «Mark» or «Route» button above the map.
The form to fill in will appear:
  • category of the suggestion (city lighting, greenery, I don't like it, etc.);
  • name and description of the suggestion;
  • your personal information (not optional, just for analytics).

3) Put your mark or a route on the map.
Route is a line on the map. It can be used for bike routes or eco-trail. If the line is drawn incorrectly, it can be erased with the help of the «Erase the line» button right above the map. You can edit your Mark or Route at any time before you press «Add».

4) Press «Add».
You are all set!

In order to vote for other ideas, log in via e-mail or other suggested methods and press «like» button right next to the idea.

If you have a subscription, you can use the following tools: online and offline promotion of your poll and a complete analytics album for your project - we will help you to save your budget and energy. Let us know if you are interested - we will send you the details!
Well, we've told you the most important things you need to know to use LocalPinion and launch your survey. Friendly reminder: our platform is suitable for both research and data collection as well as for discussions, pinions collecting, initiative budgeting, discussing territory development during meetings and workshops - it depends on your initial goals.

We hope you will have a pleasant experience with LocalPinion!
We are always here to help!
Make the right decisions
for the local development
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